Did you know there are approximately 507,000 Florida children without healthcare coverage? Florida Covering Kids & Families (FL-CKF) is a statewide program working to ensure that all eligible children and families are enrolled in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Many of these children are eligible for Florida KidCare, a low cost health insurance for children under the age 19.
A lack of knowledge about available programs leaves thousands of children without coverage and thus access to healthcare. Some families may be discouraged from trying to access and maintain coverage due to literacy and language barriers, as well as the procedural difficulties of multiple programs, forms, and documentation requirements. FL-CKF helps simplify enrollment and renewal process for Medicaid and CHIP to make them more user-friendly and helps families successfully navigate through multiple Florida KidCare programs without being overwhelmed by red tape and bureaucracy.
Florida KidCare Medicaid is FREE! For other Florida KidCare programs, monthly premiums depend on family household size and income. Most families pay $15 to $20 per month to cover all children in the household. If families need to pay more, they will be informed.
Florida KidCare includes the following healthcare programs:
- MediKids: Covers children ages 1 through 4 years old
- Healthy Kids: Covers children ages 5 through 18
- Children's Medical Services Network (CMSN): Covers children from birth through age 18 with ongoing medical needs, special healthcare, or emotional needs
- Medicaid for Children: Covers children from birth through 18
Services Covered
- Doctor Visits
- Check-Ups/Shots
- Hospital
- Surgery
- Prescriptions
- Emergencies
- Vision/Hearing
- Dental
- Mental Health
United Way of Hernando County (UWHC) is proud to collaborate with Florida KidCare (FKC)'s initiative to promote affordable healthcare.
UWHC's Florida KidCare Partner Application Sites:
- Head Start- Mid Florida Community Services
- Hernando County Public Library
- Mid Florida Community Services
- A New Generation
- Pine Grove Elementary
- 11 Hernando County Title 1 School Family Centers
UWHC's local partners are trained and certified to assist residents with applying for Florida KidCare health insurance. Remember, qualifying for this insurance program is based on income and family size.
Dial 2-1-1 or CLICK HERE for more details on FKC application locations in Hernando County and how to apply. When applying, be sure to use code UWMC-3 .