United Way Support Programs
Connects community members to local resources through the use of a land line, cell phone, and computer. All services, details, and contact information on the non-profits and organizations listed below can be found on 211 Hernando.
Dawn Center's mission is to break the cycle of domestic and sexual violence by providing supportive services and leadership that promotes social change.
Domestic & Sexual Violence Victim Services: Dawn Center offers an array of no cost services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence and their children to help them find safety and heal from the trauma of abuse.
Economic Justice Program: addresses the number one barrier reported by survivors of domestic and sexual violence when seeking safety: financial stability. The Economic Justice program assists survivors in meeting their economic goals by a trained Economic Empowerment Advocate.
Dedicated to creating a supportive network to build the necessary foundation for our children to be successful in school and in life.
Early Childhood Credentialing Program: Provides job development and workforce training for early educators and individuals aiming to achieve and maintain quality education opportunities, including financial stipends to support transportation needs and financial burdens that may hinder participant's completion.
To provide service to people, families and communities in need, to advocate for justice in social structures and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same
- FOUNDATIONS OF LIFE: Foundations of Life Pregnancy Centers of Catholic Charities offer support services to women who are facing unplanned pregnancy. They offer free, confidential and nonjudgmental support to women of all ages . Dealing with an unplanned pregnancy can be difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone. At their center, you can discuss your fears, concerns, options and questions with people who care about your needs. Your choices today will affect your tomorrows. You owe it to yourself and your baby to get the best information to protect your health and your future.
The mission of the Lighthouse is to provide people who are visually impaired and blind with the skills needed to achieve maximum independence.
Adaptive Skills for Visually Impaired Adults & Seniors: The program provides visually impaired adults and seniors with free vision rehabilitation including individualized services and training, case management, safe meal prep, managing meds, fall prevention, white cane, self-care, low vision assessments, clinical services & store, technology instruction, vocational rehab, Braille, wellness calls, assistance with shopping, forms and scheduling appointments, and transportation for vaccines or other medical appointments.
The mission of Mid Florida Homeless Coalition is to promote partnerships that ensure homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring in Citrus, Hernando, Lake and Sumter Counties.
Diversion and Wrap-Around Services: diverts those at risk of homelessness and breaks down barriers to housing for those experiencing homelessness. All household are assessed to determine needs. Wraparound services include anything to remove barriers to transition from homelessness to housing.
NAMI HERNANDO (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
NAMI Hernando's mission is to promote mental health wellness in our community through education, support, advocacy, empowerment and outreach.
Education Programs: Provides education through NAMI Signature Education classes and presentations. NAMI hosts Mental Health First Aid, Youth Mental Health First Aid and Suicide Prevention (for professional & families). We also collaborate with Hernando County Sheriff on Crisis Intervention Training.
An interfaith community organization organized for the purpose of providing food, and other basic necessities to impoverished people in Hernando County, Florida.
Weekend Blessings Program: This program is uniquely designed to feed school children who have little or no food on the weekends. Students who have been identified by teachers or administrators as "in crisis" are given backpacks filled with a range of easily prepared food choices for the weekend, including but not limited to: 2 breakfasts, juice/milk and 2 other meals.
SVDP renders material, moral, financial and spiritual aid to the needy. We give support in the form of food, utilities, rent/mortgages and other help to keep the family intact and in their home.
Food Pantry: Provides traditional packaged foods as well as frozen meat, a variety of fresh produce items, and bread and dairy items as well, with an emphasis on fresh foods with grocery-fresh milk distribution.
The Mission of the YMCA is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.
- Safety Around Water: The YMCA Safety Around Water (SAW) program teaches kids what to do if they unexpectedly find themselves in the water. The Hernando County YMCA will provide water and land SAW to children between the ages of 3 – 14, equipping them with the skills needed to safely enjoy the water and develop confidence in and around water.
To strengthen partnerships, mobilize resources, and provide integrated services that promote self sufficiency for targeted individuals and families.
CHILDREN'S ADVOCACY CENTER: The Children’s Advocacy Center of Hernando County (CAC) provides a child-friendly, safe, supportive environment for assisting abused and neglected children and their non-offending family members. The Center brings together the Department of Children and Families, Hernando County Sheriff’s Office, FDLE, the State Attorney’s Office, the University of Florida Child Protection Team, mental health providers and victim advocates during the investigative process. The CAC coordinates victim services and facilitates multidisciplinary team staffings, reviews child death cases and coordinates victim services for the Tri-County Human Trafficking Response Team.
In Collaboration With:
A New Generation provides evidence based education and services in a respectful and compassionate environment for those primarily facing pregnancy and relationship issues.
Epiphany: Students learn how to build healthy relationships, set and measure their goals and dreams to become confident, self-sufficient, successful young adults.
Provides relief to victims of disaster and helps community members prepare and respond to emergencies
Provides individually tailored community and facility based services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Community Support Program
Residential Support Program
Offers both inpatient and community-based programs, along with a full range of comprehensive mental health and substance abuse services tailored to meet the individual needs of adults, adolescents and children.
Focuses heavily on team building, leadership skills, and volunteerism. Provides programs for boys ages 6-20 such as aquatic safety, camping, education, leadership development and food drives.
Community Service
Boys & Girls Club mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
Mentoring: BGCHC’s Mentoring Program promotes positive outcomes and reduces risk factors for at-risk and high risk youth. The mentoring program connects youth with adult mentors, skill-building prevention programs, and positive youth development opportunities.
Pasco Hernando Workforce Board enhances economic development efforts of our region by providing a well trained, high quality workforce which supports the success of local business and improves the quality of life.
CHIPP (Community Health Improvement Plan Partnership)
CHIPP works to improve health by supporting local activities that address priority areas identified in Hernando’s Community Health Improvement Plan, and supports the coordination of Hernando County's Community Health Needs Assessment.
Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida (CLSMF) is a full services nonprofit law firm addressing issues related to consumer protection, family law, children and education, domestic violence, elder abuse and neglect, health and income-related benefits, housing, and veterans' benefits.
To improve the health and well-being of the under served and uninsured, to promote health literacy and to establish alliances that serve our community. To provide the best health care that we are able to provide for all, regardless of ability to pay.
To provide the highest quality of services and programs to promote empowerment, equal access, education, independence and integrity to deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired.
Communication Access Assistance (CAA): The CAA provides the services of assessing the individual’s needs, linking them to available services within the community, advocating to community resources to ensure service access and ensuring that the individual plans for services necessary for success in the future.
Deveruex changes lives and nurtures human potential. They inspire hope, ensure well-being, and promote meaningful choices.
Parenting Journey Program
A comprehensive care resource that provides care and/or assistance to those in crisis.
Public Guardian Program
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Hernando through integrated state, county, & community efforts. The Health Department provides health related services, programs, and focused initiatives that enhance Hernando's health in the household as well as at a county level.
Through the University of Florida and Hernando County Extension Office, the Florida Master Money Mentor (FMMM) program provides financial education to rural and low-to-moderate-income Florida families with the emphasis being on one-on-one peer education.
Educate our youths to foster personal development and success while providing a wealth of resources and benefits to parents, educators and all who seek to enrich the lives of our youths in the area.
Mentoring Program: We reach out to youth that are doing good, as a preventive measure to encourage them to stay on the right path and to assist with their peers who may be having difficulties.
A not-for-profit community-based healthcare organization providing innovative, skilled medical care to patients with life-limiting illness and compassionate support to their family members.
Offers a residential shelter program for both men and women with work therapy and life skill programs designed to self-sufficiency. Families receive emergency shelter assistance. Provides Food Barn.
Food Barn
Emergency & Transition Shelter Program
They offer a no cost comprehensive Early Learning Program for children ages 0-5. Their program promotes school readiness by enhancing the social, physical, and cognitive development of children. Some of the services they provide include developmental assessments, free diapers and wipes, free formula and baby food, nutritious meals and snacks, medical and dental wellness, goal-setting support for parents and so much more.
Apply online at www.MidFloridaHeadStart.com or call 1-888-227-0010. Click here to download flyer.
A multicultural community benefiting single mothers and their children, while teaching a self-reliant and sustainable lifestyle, and becoming a launching point for positive action in the pay-it-forward spirit of giving back to the world.
Future Life Improvement Plan (FLIP)
A middle and high school for girls who are struggling but want to make positive changes in their lives.
Premier is a "medical home" based out of Hernando's Health Departments in both Spring Hill & Brooksville. Their services include behavioral health, dental, family medicine, pediatrics, women's health, and community services which include ACCESS, diabetes self-management support, medication assistance, outreach and enrollment assistance, patient care coordination, smoking cessation, and other wellness programs.
A fun and unique environment that encourages inclusion, creativity, and play, providing positive opportunities of support for families affected by disability through I.M.P.A.C.T. programs and events!
Operating under the McKinney-Vento act by providing services for registered homeless or unaccompanied youth in schools.
Offers free tutoring to adults to help them become academically and economically self-sufficient. GED, English, family literacy, work literacy, reading, math, and language skills.
Provides assistance to individuals with Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities. Programs include day care, therapy, employment, respite and family support.
Hernando Early Intervention
Their mission is to assist, promote and celebrate individuals recovering from mental illnesses in their effort to improve social and vocational skills and become employed in the community.
- Vincent House: We provide employment, educational, financial, and social assistance, as well as model basic life skills such as budgeting, price comparisons, and good work practices to promote self-sufficiency and fiscal independence.
Provides social services to children and families. Services include temporary residential shelter, nonresidential counseling, subsidized childcare, in school early intervention and family preservation.
New Beginnings Youth Shelter