My ALICE Story
Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed
ALICE represents the men and women of all ages and races who get up each day to go to work, but who aren’t sure if they’ll be able to put dinner on the table each night. They are our child care workers, our mechanics, our home health aides, store clerks and office assistants, etc. – all workers we cannot live without.
In order to provide the community with a clear understanding of the United Way ALICE Report, it is key to have REAL LIFE ALICEs available who are willing to share their stories about how they struggle to make ends meet. This helps put a face on the facts and statistics in the report as well as highlight the local initiatives United Way of Hernando County strives to tackle and improve.
If you are someone who is working hard but still falling short every month, or has overcome significant barriers and are doing well, United Way wants to know YOUR story.